
Primary LanguageJuliaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


The Breakthrough Listen Remote Data Client provides convenient access to servers providing a RESTful web based interface to Breakthrough Listen data stored on the hosts on which the servers run. A companion project, BLRemoteDataServer.jl is a Julia package that provides such a service.


In the Julia REPL, run:

import Pkg

Client overview

The client provides functions to access to the following RESTful API endpoints of a BLRemoteDataServer:

Endpoint Function
/version version
/prefixes prefixes
/readdir readdir
/finddirs finddirs
/findfiles findfiles
/fbfiles fbfiles
/fbdata fbdata
/hitsfiles hitsfiles
/hitsdata hitsdata
/stampsfiles stampsfiles
/stampsdata stampsdata

Each function takes any required parameters of the endpoint (usually a directory or file name) as the initial arguments, followed by optional host and port arguments, followed by optional keyword arguments corresponding to the optional endpoint parameters.

The host and port arguments specify the host and port of the server to query. If unspecified, these arguments default to the contents of HOST and PORT module variables. These are Refs whose values can be changed at runtime if desired. HOST and PORT are initialized to the value of the BL_REMOTE_DATA_SERVER_HOST and BL_REMOTE_DATA_SERVER_PORT environment variables, resp. If an environment variable is not defined, HOST is initialized to "localhost" and PORT is initialized to 8000.

Method signatures

Here are the methods supported by the client:

version([HOST, [port]])::String
prefixes([HOST, [port]])::Vector{String}
readdir(dir, [HOST, [port]]; regex=".", join=true)::Vector{String}
finddirs(dir, [HOST, [port]]; regex=".", join=true)::Vector{String}
findfiles(dir, [HOST, [port]]; regex=".", join=true)::Vector{String}
fbfiles(dir, [HOST, [port]]; regex="\\.(fil|h5)\$")::Vector{SortedDict{String,Any}}
fbdata(FILENAME, [HOST, [port]]; chans=:, ifs=:, times=:, fqav=1, tmav=1, dropdims=())::Array{Float32}
hitsfiles(dir, [HOST, [port]]; regex="\\.hits\$", withdata=false)::Tuple{Vector{SortedDict{String,Any}},Union{Nothing,Vector{Matrix{Float32}}}}
hitsdata(FILENAME, FILEINDEX, [HOST, [port]])::Matrix{Float32}
stampsfiles(dir, [HOST, [port]]; regex="\\.stamps\$")::Vector{SortedDict{String,Any}}
stampsdata(FILENAME, FILEINDEX, [HOST, [port]])::Matrix{Float32}

Arguments shown in uppercase can be given as scalars (i.e. single values) or as Vectors. When using the Vector forms, all vector-capable arguments must be given as Vectors. The queries are run in parallel on the specified hosts and the results are generally returned as a Vector of the return type shown where the elements correspond one to one with the Vector arguments passed. The exceptions to this are the functions returning Vector{SortedDict} which simply concatenate all the results into a single Vector since the SortedDicts contain the hostname and any other relevant info needed to disambiguate.

See the doc string of each function for detailed usage.

Using the client with a single server

To use the client with a single server you can pass the hostname and port of the server on each call to a client function OR you can store the server's hostname and port in the HOST and PORT variables of the BLRemoteDataClient module. Because they are Refs you must index them with [] when getting or setting their value. The following are equivalent:

# With explicit hostname
julia> println(BLRemoteDataClient.prefixes("blc43"))
["/datax", "/datax2", "/datax3"]

# With custom "default" hostname
julia> BLRemoteDataClient.HOST[] = "blc43"

julia> println(BLRemoteDataClient.prefixes())
["/datax", "/datax2", "/datax3"]

Using the client with multiple servers

When using the client with multiple servers it is preferable NOT to use broadcasting because the forms of the functions that take a Vector of hostnames (and possibly other arguments) will execute the queries in parallel whereas broadcasting will NOT execute the queries in parallel.