News Feed App

Build a well-designed, responsive news feed web app using the newsapi api.

Follow the pattern for a VanillaJS Component architecture we used in class both in terms of code architecture and developer process.

The minimum requirement is to be able to search a term and have that drive the news feed results. But you are highly encouraged to think about usability and enhance.


This is a solo lab (everyone needs to practice their JavaScript!). You are required to:

  • Collaborate, discuss and ask questions of both your peers and the instruction staff.
  • Follow the process of methodically "growing" your app
  • Make your code look like it could be in the demo project


  • Follow Component architecture and modular thinking 5pts
  • Clean code and project, attention to detail 5pts
  • Design (a11y, semantic, usability, empathy) 5pts
  • Working funtionality 5pts