Assignment 1: Simple List App

  • Author: David Rodriguez
  • Class: CS402 Section 1
  • Semester: Spring 2024


This application is a list management tool, allowing users to add, delete, join, and split items. It also provides a feature to select multiple items and perform operations on them, with visual feedback for selected items.


The hardest part about developing this app was learning how to use useState. When I started working on the dynamically-changing elements of this project, I was looking for ways to select elements by ID like I usually do in JavaScript. After going over this topic in class, however, I finally understood useState is a variable-function pair that reactively changes UI when the state of the app changes. This is definitely a new way of programming for me, but nonetheless, a useful one.

In future projects I would like to practice better code organization. This app was entirely written in the App.js file, making the code look crammed and harder to understand. For example, I could have the entire FlatList as its own object in a different file. Similarly, I sometimes wrote the handler methods as arrow functions and sometimes I wrote them separately as expressions. My goal for the next project is to make the App.js file as human-readable as possible by separating my code into different files and sections based on similar functionality.

Compiling and Using

Use one of the two following ways to compile and run the App.js program:

  1. Make sure Node.js and the expo library is installed in your machine as well as the Expo Go app on your mobile device. In the terminal, cd into the main directory and run npx expo start. With your mobile device, scan the given QR code to render the program on the Expo Go app.
  2. Head to the Expo snack platform online and copy and paste the App.js source code. This will render the application on the web-player on the left side of the screen.

Once rendered, find your control buttons at the bottom of the screen. Click on the Add button to add new list item in the section above. Tap on the list items to select which list items to delete or merge together using the Delete and Join buttons, respectively. To revert joined list items, select the item you wish to split and click on the Split button.