(WARNING : Sharp Tools May Cut: Use at your own risk.)
Author: Alfonso Adriasola - aadriasola@gmail.com
Ruby console with a CloudPassage api session going
##Requirements and Dependencies Run bundle install, it should install:
- json
- rest-client
- oauth2
- awesome_print
Clone, download, or fork the git repo, then configure as below.
You need to provide three ENV variables for your account, with the user specific api credentials available to you via the CloudPassage admin view.
These can be set in various ways, via .bashrc , via inline , etc.
export HALO_KEY_ID='xxxxx'
export HALO_SECRET_KEY='xxxxxxxxxxxx'
export HALO_HOST='api.cloudpassage.com'
Launch locally as :
If all is set up correctly you will see the following prompt
CloudPassage API Ruby Command Line Interface
Now you can call cp.get and so on
#<CpSession:<object hash>
2.0.0p195 :001 >
Running halo_console.rb
will create a cp
object with the API session token embedded.
A command prompt appears so you can fire requests.
The responses are shown by default in their raw json format, it can be modified with pretty
method for formatted json.
Use to_hash
to get the response into a Ruby hash format.
###Example Commands
puts cp.get("fim_policies/{id}").pretty
For PUT and POST actions, parameters can be supplied as JSON, this will be handled by RestClient and submitted the right way
cp.put "group/{id}", {group:{name:"load balancers"}.to_json
Given a correctly formatted json file of a file integrity policy "file.json" you could execute
my_json_policy = File.read("file.json")
cp.post "fim_policies", my_json_policy
A response object that is by default showing the json version, but can be made into a Ruby Hash by the .to_hash method