A set of classes for enumerating and interacting with Bluetooth low energy devices on the windows platform.
- Windows 10
- Devices must be paired and enumerated by the windows ble driver
// The characteristic must have IsReadable set to true or an exception will be thrown
BleGattCharacteristicValue value = characteristic->getValue();
// The characteristic must have IsSignedWritable, IsWritable, IsWritableWithoutResponse set to true or an exception will be thrown
UCHAR values[] = { 'H', 'I', '\r', '\n' };
characteristic->setValue(values, 4);
// The callback for the characteristic notification
void HandleCallback(BleGattNotificationData& data)
cout << "Received callback data: " << data.getDataSize() << endl;
// Enumerate characteristic descriptors
// Get the list of descriptors
list<BleGattDescriptor *> descriptors = characteristic->getBleDescriptors();
if (descriptors.size() > 0)
// Get the characteristic descriptor
BleGattDescriptor *descriptor = descriptors.front();
// The callback function
const std::function<void(BleGattNotificationData&)> callback = HandleCallback;
// Enable notifications for the characteristic IsNotifiable or IsIndicatable must be true for the characteristic or an exception will be thrown
// Enable the subscription notification for the characteristic
// Disable the notification
// Clear the subscription notification