
Documentation of the steps to install microk8s in my lab environment

Kubernetes Installation on Ubuntu 22.04

1. Increase max virtual memory

echo "vm.max_map_count=1048576" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p

2. Enable cgroups

vi /etc/default/grub

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1"
sudo update-grub
 **Kernel reboot is required**

3. Install the microk8s snap

sudo snap install microk8s --channel 1.27/stable --classic

4. Install etcd to use as the backend storage mechanism for microk8s (CRITICAL)

Follow the etcd installation guide to create your etcd cluster.

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/cni-network/cni.yaml

5. Configure microk8s to use etcd

sudo vi /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kube-apiserver

Add the following line:


6. Restart microk8s

sudo microk8s stop
sudo microk8s start

7. Confirm that microk8s is using etcd now

sudo microk8s status
   microk8s is running
     datastore endpoints:

8. Stop the k8s-dqlite service (optional)

sudo systemctl stop snap.microk8s.daemon-k8s-dqlite.service

9. Enable microk8s services

microk8s enable hostpath-storage

10. Add and set new storage classes for SSD and NVME

kubectl apply -f ./configs/ssd-raid-sc.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./configs/nvme-raid-sc.yaml

kubectl patch storageclass  ssd-raid -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
kubectl patch storageclass  microk8s-hostpath -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"false"}}}'

11. Enable microk8s Container Registry

This must be done after the default storage class is changed to ensure that the registry uses a PV created from the ssd-raid pool vs. the root partition. It is also important to perform this step BEFORE you install any software on microk8s that requires an image download, e.g. microk8s enable cert-manager, otherwise there won't be a place to store the images that are downloaded from the internet and the installation will hang.

microk8s enable registry:size=250Gi    # Specify whatever size you like.

12. Enable the microk8s load balancer

This allows microk8s to assign static IPs on your internal router network so that they are publicly accessible inside your network

microk8s enable metallb (Enter for the IP range) this will give you a pool of 20 IP addresses that can be used to expose services running inside microk8s.

13. Create an alias for microk8s.kubectl

echo "alias kubectl='microk8s.kubectl'" > ~/.bash_aliases

14. Get the secret token used to log into the dashboard

token=$(microk8s kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep default-token | cut -d " " -f1)
microk8s kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $token

microk8s kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443 &

You can then access the Dashboard at



  1. https://microk8s.io/docs/getting-started
  2. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/change-default-storage-class/
  3. https://microk8s.io/docs/addon-dashboard
  4. canonical/microk8s#463
  5. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1237813/enabling-memory-cgroup-in-ubuntu-20-04