ILMUNC India Website Information

First Things First

It will be helpful to install the following:

  1. Sublime Text
  2. GitHub Desktop
  3. Sequel Pro (Mac) or MySQL Workbench (Windows)

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed:
  2. Make sure you have Heroku installed:
  3. Make sure you have Heroku container installed: heroku plugins:install heroku-container-registry
  4. Clone the git repository to your computer
  5. cd to the root directory, e.g. where you see when you type ls (Mac) or dir (PC)

Build with Docker

docker build -t ilmunc-india:latest .

Run the Server

In order to run the server, you will need the absolute path to the ilmunc-india directory on your computer. E.g.: /Users/alexsands/Documents/GitHub/ilmunc-india (on Mac) or C:\Users\alexsands\Documents\GitHub\ilmunc-india (on Windows). Once you have this, replace <absolute-path-to-ilmunc-india> below.

On Mac or Windows, run:

docker run -e PORT=5000 -p 5000:5000 -v <absolute-path-to-ilmunc-india>:/app -it ilmunc-india

Then, visit in your browser. If that doesn't work, try http://localhost:5000/.

Pushing Code

After you have merged any changes to the master branch, push them to the Heroku server. Note, you need heroku-container-registry installed. Remember that the Heroku slug must be < 300 MB. So you should add any large files that don't need to be used in your app to .slugignore.

heroku container:login
heroku container:push web 
heroku open

*An --app ilmunc-india tag may be necessary to identify the target for the push and open operations.