
In this project, I use the dapper mapper method (an open-source object-relational mapping
(ORM) library for .NET and .NET Core applications). I parse JSON data into string and then
use the dapper library to inject it into a MS SQL table as TSQL code.

Step 0: If you are running on Mac or Linux, your connection string will be different.
My connection string is for Microsoft users.

Step 1: Start by opening the "startSql.sql" file in Azure Data Studios. Run this file 1x.
Azure Data Studios

Step 2: Open Windows Powershell. From there, change directorys to the package location.
Run the rest of the package in Windows Powershell by using "dotnet run".
From there, the JSON data will be mapped into the MS SQL database.
You should get a prompt if the SQL table injection is successful.
Windows Powershell