GUI made with Tkinter

I have built this desktop application.

This Tkinter GUI converts PDF files to MP3 files and immediately opens the new audio file for the user.

pdf_file.pdf is an example PDF of a Spring poem. Open the pdf to have it played to you in audio.

You an run file in a Python IDE such as PyCharm or alternatively, you can create a desktop app by following below:

Find your location of your download folder for this package

Open your command prompt and type the following:

  1. cd followed by the location of your download folder for this package
    Example: cd C:\Users\Albert\desktop\GUI_tkinter_app
  2. pip install mutagen
  3. pip install pyinstaller
  4. pip install gTTS
  5. pip install PyPDF2
  6. pyinstaller --onefile

Go to the folder of this package, "GUI_tkinter_app". Then go to the "dist folder". The application is called "desktop_app"