
A very short and simple script using NumPy & matplotlib.

This converts a colored image to black and white.

The background color of images consists of three-integer color tuples of an RGB (Red,Green,Blue) value. The NumPy library for Python programming language is used to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations on arrays. Here I extract the color tuple value of the colored image into an array using the NumPy library. I do a simple matrix multiplication on the arrays using the ampersand operatior, "@" to convert the tuple values into gray scale tuple values. Alternatively, I could have used the numpy.multiply() function.

I then use the matplotlib library to show the image converted to black and white.

Some Basic Colors: Color (Red, Green, Blue) value
Black (0,0,0)
Red (255,0,0)
Green (0,255,0)
Blue (0,0,255)
White (255,255,255)
Light Gray (122,122,122)

Documentation: numpy: