
You are working on a flight management system that helps travelers to find flights between desired destinations and staff to add flights and generate flight seats.

Problem statement

To complete this task you need to implement following methods:

  1. SeatsGenerator.create_seats(rows, seats_in_row, first_row_number)
  2. FlightManager.find_flights_between(origin, destination, direction_sensitive)
  3. FlightManager.add_new_flight(flight_number, origin, destination)

SeatsGenerator.create_seats() method

The method allows you to create a list of seats where each seat is represented in <integer><string> format, ex.: 2A.

Method accept three arguments:

  • rows which type is integer
  • seats_in_row which type is integer
  • first_row_number which type integer

and returns array as a result, ex.:

> @seats_generator.create_seats(2, 4, 1)

['1A', '1B', '1C', '1D', '2A', '2B', '2C', '2D']

FlightManager.find_flights_between() method

The method allows you to find flights for provided destinations.

The method accepts three arguments:

  • origin which type is string
  • destination which type is string
  • direction_sensitive which type is boolean

and returns:

  • empty array when no flights were found
  • array with hash elements when flights were found

hash element needs to contain flight_number, origin and destination keys with string values, ex.:

{ flight_number: 'LH1232', origin: 'JFK', destination: 'PAR' }

When you pass the direction_sensitive argument with a boolean value equal to false, the result should include flights from and to destination and to and from destination, ex.:

> @flight_manager.find_flights_between("JFK", "PAR", false)

{ flight_number: 'LH1232', origin: 'JFK', destination: 'PAR' },
{ flight_number: 'YH1732', origin: 'PAR', destination: 'JFK' }

otherwise result should include only from and to destination, ex.:

> @flight_manager.find_flights_between("JFK", "PAR", true)

{ flight_number: 'LH1232', origin: 'JFK', destination: 'PAR' }

FlightManager.add_new_flight() method

The method allows you to add a new flight to flight storage. Flight storage can be implemented as a simple array that does not accept duplicate flights.

The method accepts three arguments:

  • flight_number which type is string
  • origin which type is string
  • destination which type is string

and returns a boolean value:

  • true when a flight was added to flights storage
  • false when flight could not be added to flights storage


> @flight_manager.add_new_flight('LH1232', 'JFK', 'PAR') == true


> @flight_manager.add_new_flight('LH1232', 'JFK', 'PAR') == true



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