
An simple application using nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Micro Services With NodeJS

In this project i'm build an application using NodeJS and moleculer. The library moleculer abstract the implementation of architecture and comunication between micro-services. So can focus is only in business rules.

Was usend the TCP for comunication of micro-services and sequelize for integration with database. The dialect used was sqlite, but you can use whatever.

The project is simply an CRUD of posts of hypothetical blog.

Technologies Used

  • NodeJS
  • Sequelize (ORM)
  • Moleculer (Micro-Services)

And some adapters:

  • moleculer-db (For manager database in moleculer)
  • moleculer-db-adapter-sequelize (For integration with sequelize)
  • moleculer-web (For create an rest api)

Adstionals Libraries:

  • Sucrase (For ESM)
  • Nodemon (For auto restart of service)
  • Sqlite3