A lightweight adapter for LOMO and AdaLOMO for drop-in use in your project

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

💡 LOMOLite: A Lightweight Adapter For Low-Memory Optimization

Train full-parameter 7B language models with only 22 GB of GPU RAM!

LOMO and AdaLOMO are low-memory optimization methods that use in-place gradient updates to significantly decrease the amount of GPU memory necessary.

This repository, based off of the LOMO and collie repositories from OpenLMLab, allows for easy use of the LOMO and AdaLOMO optimizers.

While the LOMO and collie repositories are bulky and hard to use (you have to integrate your code into their code), this repository allows you to simply take the LOMO and AdaLOMO optimizers and use them with few modifications.

How to use

  1. Add the following imports to your code:
import sys; sys.path.append("/path/to/LOMOLite/")
from lomo.lomo_base import setup_lomo, create_lomo_lr_scheduler, Functor, LOMOBaseLite
  1. (optional) Call setup_lomo for transformers models in order to receive a config with additional LOMO settings.
config = setup_lomo(pretrained_model_name_or_path)
  1. (optional) Run create_lomo_lr_scheduler to get a learning rate scheduler. Alternatively, you can pass in a single number as the learning rate.
lr_scheduler = create_lomo_lr_scheduler(
  1. Create your optimizer. optimizer_name is one of: lomo or adalomo, depending on which one you would like to use.
optimizer = LOMOBaseLite(
            optimizer_name, model, clip_grad_norm=1.0, clip_grad_value=None, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler
  1. Subclass the Functor class and override the forward function to create a class that has a collection of attributes, and that, when run, runs a forward pass through the model and returns the loss. Then, instantiate your custom class by passing in keyword arguments that will be then be passed into your forward function.
class MyFunctor(Functor):
    def forward(self, loss_fn, model, batch, train_config):
        loss = loss_fn(model, batch, train_config)
        return loss
  1. During training, instead of directly calculating your loss, instead instantiate your custom class and pass in the functor to the optimizer.step method. This will return the loss value. Make sure to pass in the optimizer as the model.
functor = MyFunctor(loss_fn=loss_fn, model=optimizer, batch=batch, train_config=train_config)
loss = optimizer.step(functor)
  1. Instead of calling torch.save(model.state_dict()), call optimizer.save_pretrained with a save_folder path. The state dict will then be saved to a pytorch_model.bin file in the specified save_folder.
  1. When running your python file, you can override the default environment variables: LOCAL_RANK, RANK, WORLD_SIZE, MASTER_ADDR, and MASTER_PORT. In most cases, you will not need to override any of these, though sometimes MASTER_PORT will be overridden if two processes are running on the same machine.
MASTER_PORT=6001 python3 main.py ...


Currently LOMOLite only supports training on a single GPU, and by default is set to use bfloat16 precision with no loss scaling.


  • Support multi-GPU training
  • Integrate into PyTorch




Full Parameter Fine-Tuning for Large Language Models with Limited Resources

AdaLomo: Low-memory Optimization with Adaptive Learning Rate