
A web app to find faces in a video stream and label the faces with the attributes of each person

How to run the video app

  1. Download enough libraries until you don't get an error with step 2
  2. run 'python' from within the video_app folder
  3. creates a new person group
  4. get the users from a person group
  5. add a person and face to a person group

How to run the registration app

  1. Start an Apache local server, or equivalent (sudo apachectl start on Mac)
  2. Go to /Library/Webserver/Documents and put the contents of the registration app folder in there
  3. Edit the https.conf file in three ways (sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf) a. Uncomment LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache2/ b. Uncomment AddHandler cgi-script .cgi c. Ensure the Options line reads 'Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews ExecCGI'
  4. Go to http://localhost/NewUserForm.html to see the app
  5. Ensure there is a photo in the img subfolder called .jpg
  6. Fill out the details in the form and click submit
  7. This should hopefully create a new person in the personGroup 'users'