
A simple pub/sub service

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Coverage Status LoC License License

Courier provides an in-memory pub/sub service with an HTTP, JSON interface. There are three primary objects that apps using Courier interact with messages, topics, and subscriptions. The basic flow is that apps publish messages to a given topic while subscribers read messages from the topic to which they are subscribed.

I am a full-stack software engineer whose language of choice is Rust. I am interested in pursuing new opportunities. See my resume and please contact me with potential openings.


Grab the latest release. The x86_64-unknown-linux-musl is 100% statically linked and should run on any x86, unix-like system. Currently, Courier is not built for other architectures.


Run courier -h to see commands and options. If you execute courier run, the services will be bound to host on port 3140. Run courier ui to open up your default web browser to the management page or navigate your browser to

You can interact with Courier through the web interface or programmatically through the HTTP, JSON API. For examples see the C++, Go, Python, and Rust clients.


Table of Contents

All messages require the following HTTP headers to be set:

Headers Value
Content-Type application/json



  "name": "string", // The name of the topic
  "message_ttl": "i64", // The time to live (ttl) applied to all messages, use 0 for no ttl (seconds)
  "ttl": "i64", // The time to live (ttl) of the topic, use 0 for no ttl (seconds)
  "created": "string", // When the topic was created as an ISO 8601 datetime string (UTC)
  "updated": "string" // // When the topic was last updated as an ISO 8601 datetime string (UTC)


  "topics": "Topic[]"


  "name": "string", // The name of the subscriptions
  "topic": "string", // The name of the topic to subscribe to
  "ack_deadline": "i64", // The amount of time given to ack a message before it is resent (seconds)
  "ttl": "i64", // The time to live (ttl) of the subscription, use 0 for no ttl (seconds)
  "created": "string", // When the subscription was created as an ISO 8601 datetime string (UTC)
  "updated": "string" // // When the subscription was last updated as an ISO 8601 datetime string (UTC)


  "subscriptions": "Subscription[]"


  "subscription_names": "string[]"


  "data": "string" // The messages contents as a string blob


  "id": "string", // The unique id of the message
  "time": "string", // When the messages was published as an ISO 8601 datetime string (UTC)
  "tries": "u32", // The number of times the message has been pulled
  "data": "string" // The messages contents as a string blob


  "messages": "Message[]"


  "message_ids": "string[]"

Topic End Points

Create - (PUT) /api/v1/topics/<topic>

Create a new topic.

  "message_ttl": "u32",
  "ttl": "u32"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
topic The unique name of the topic, a random name will be generated if empty n/a path false
message_ttl The time to live (ttl) applied to all messages, use 0 for no ttl seconds body false
ttl The time to live (ttl) of the topic, use 0 for no ttl seconds body false
Status Code Response Body Description
201 (Created) Topic Successfully created a new topic
409 (Conflict) <empty> Could not create a topic because a topic with the specified name already exists

Update - (PATCH) /api/v1/topics/<topic>

Update a topic. Updates the topic's updated field regardless of if a value is actually updated.

  "message_ttl": "u32",
  "ttl": "u32"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
topic The name of the topic n/a path true
message_ttl The time to live (ttl) applied to all messages, use 0 for no ttl seconds body false
ttl The time to live (ttl) of the topic, use 0 for no ttl seconds body false
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) Topic Successfully updated the topic
404 (Not Found) <empty> A topic with the specified name could not be found

Delete - (DELETE) /api/v1/topics/<topic>

Delete a topic. This will also delete all the subscriptions subscribed to this topic.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
topic The name of the topic n/a path true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) <empty> Successfully deleted the topic
404 (Not Found) <empty> A topic with the specified name could not be found

Get - (GET) /api/v1/topics/<topic>

Get a topic.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
topic The name of the topic n/a path true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) Topic Successfully retrieved the topic
404 (Not Found) <empty> A topic with the specified name could not be found

List - (GET) /api/v1/topics

List all of the topics.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) TopicList Successfully retrieved the topic list

Subscriptions - (GET) /api/v1/topics/<topic>/subscriptions

List all of the subscription names which are subscribed to this topic.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
topic The name of the topic n/a path true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) SubscriptionNameList Successfully retrieved the subscription name list
404 (Not Found) <empty> A topic with the specified name could not be found

Publish - (POST) /api/v1/topics/<topic>/publish

Add messages to a topic. Updates the topics updated fields

  "raw_messages": "RawMessage[]"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
topic The name of the topic n/a path true
messages The list of raw messages n/a body true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) MessageIdList Successfully published the messages
404 (Not Found) <empty> A topic with the specified name could not be found

Subscription End Points

Create - (PUT) /api/v1/subscriptions/<subscription>

Create a new subscription.

  "topic": "string",
  "ack_deadline": "u32",
  "ttl": "u32",
  "historical": "bool"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
subscription The unique name of the subscription, a random name will be generated if empty path false
topic The name of the topic to subscribe body true
ack_deadline The amount of time given to ack a message before it is resent seconds body false
ttl The time to live (ttl) of the subscription, use 0 for no ttl seconds body false
historical Should this subscription start pulling from the first message that is part of the subscribed topic, otherwise it will only pull messages added after the subscription is created body false
Status Code Response Body Description
201 (Created) Subscription Successfully created a new subscription
409 (Conflict) <empty> Could not create a subscription because a subscription with the specified name already exists

Update - (PATCH) /api/v1/subscriptions/<subscription>

Update a subscription. Update the subscriptions updated field regardless of if a value is actually updated.

  "ack_deadline": "u32",
  "ttl": "u32"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
subscription The name of the subscription n/a path true
ack_deadline The amount of time given to ack a message before it is resent seconds body false
ttl The time to live (ttl) of the subscription, use 0 for no ttl seconds body false
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) Subscription Successfully updated the subscription
404 (Not Found) <empty> A subscription with the specified name could not be found

Delete - (DELETE) /api/v1/subscriptions/<subscription>

Delete a subscription.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
subscription The name of the subscription n/a path true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) <empty> Successfully deleted the subscription
404 (Not Found) <empty> A subscription with the specified name could not be found

Get - (GET) /api/v1/subscriptions/<subscription>

Get a subscription.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
subscription The name of the subscription n/a path true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) Subscription Successfully retrieved the subscription
404 (Not Found) <empty> A subscription with the specified name could not be found

List - (GET) /api/v1/subscriptions

List all of the subscriptions.

Parameter Description Units Format Required
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) SubscriptionList Successfully retrieved the subscription list

Pull - (POST) /api/v1/subscriptions/<subscription>/pull

Pull messages from a subscription. Updates the subscriptions updated field.

  "max_messages": "u32"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
subscription The name of the subscription n/a path true
max_messages The max number of messages to retrieve n/a body false
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) MessageList Successfully retrieved the messages
404 (Not Found) <empty> A subscription with the specified name could not be found

Ack - (POST) /api/v1/subscriptions/<subscription>/ack

Acknowledged that messages have been processed. Updates the subscriptions updated field. Returns only the ids which where successfully acked.

  "message_ids": "string[]"
Parameter Description Units Format Required
subscription The name of the subscription n/a path true
message_ids The ids of the messaged to acknowledge n/a body true
Status Code Response Body Description
200 (Ok) MessageIdList Successfully acknowledged the messages
404 (Not Found) <empty> A subscription with the specified name could not be found


This project makes heavy use of the rust ecosystem. It is highly recommended to use rustup and cargo when working on Courier.

Courier also depends on:

These can be installed with:

> rustup component add rustfmt-preview
> cargo +nightly install clippy
> cargo install cargo-tarpaulin
> cargo install cross

Run the application

> cargo run

Run the test suite

> cargo test

Check test coverage

> cargo tarpaulin --ignore-tests --line --no-count

Check the code formating

> cargo fmt --all -- --check

Lint with clippy

> cargo +nightly clippy --lib --bins

Perform a cross release build with the musl target

> cross build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Web Development

Courier uses yarn for web development, but the commands should work equally well with npm.

Install dependencies

> yarn install

Start the development server

> yarn start

Create a production build

> yarn build


> yarn clean

Example Commands

Create a topic and subscription. Publish a message to the topic and then pull and ack the message.

> curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message_ttl": 600}' http://localhost:3140/api/v1/topics/topic0 && echo
> curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"topic": "topic0", "ack_deadline": 60}' http://localhost:3140/api/v1/subscriptions/sub0 && echo
> curl -X POST -H "content-Type: application/json" -d '{"messages": [{"data": "testing 123"}]}' http://localhost:3140/api/v1/topics/topic0/publish && echo
> curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' http://localhost:3140/api/v1/subscriptions/sub0/pull && echo
> curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message_ids": ["<some id>"]}' http://localhost:3140/api/v1/subscriptions/sub0/ack && echo