This is a project to manage book loans, but still on early stages of development.
In each folder, there's a READ.ME file, with some of the TO DO tasks. If you could help us and take some of them, would be really helpful =). No need to hurry though, as we're not expecting for you to complete all these tasks. Take the ones you're more confortable with, and feel free to ask any questions, install a package you think is useful or search on the web (not on ChatGPT, though =().
If you really understand about Sequelize, data modeling and Unit Tests (using mocha and supertest), we would ask you to go a step ahead and create our loan functionality. That would include: - Model - Relationship - Repository - Module - Endpoint - Tests
But again, no hurries... whatever you finish, will be taken into consideration.
Just remember, before start working, create a new branch named 'name_surname'.
Thanks again!