Visualizing weather trends from NWS data
day: day of year (0-364)
date: date (in 2010)
avg: normal (1981-2010) daily average temperature
avgl: normal minus one standard deviation (1981-2010) daily average temperature
avgh: normal plus one standard deviation (1981-2010) daily average temperature
lo: normal (1981-2010) daily low temperature
lol: normal minus one standard deviation (1981-2010) daily low temperature
loh: normal plus one standard deviation (1981-2010) daily low temperature
hi: normal (1981-2010) daily high temperature
hil: normal minus one standard deviation (1981-2010) daily high temperature
hih: normal plus one standard deviation (1981-2010) daily high temperature
precip: 1981-2010 probability of >0.01 inch precipitation over 29-day moving window centered on each day.