
This repository contains all scripts (NCL, Python) and shared objects (from Fortran) used in the WRF-Hydro forcing engine. The following forcing configurations will be supported for IOC (Initial Operating Capability): Analysis & assimilation, Short Range Forcing, Medium Range Forcing, and Long Range Forcing

How to run:

  1. Check out the regridding, downscaling and layering/combining scripts from the scripts/NCL directory.

  2. Check out the WRF-Hydro forcing engine, WRF-Hydro_forcing.py from the scripts/Python directory.

  3. Check out the config/parm file wrf_hydro_forcing.parm from the parm directory.

  4. Check out the Fortran shared object sorc/Fortran/adj_topof90.so and save it to the directory where you define the NCL shared object directory, NCL_DEF_LIB_DIR. Note: this is the directory where ALL shared objects will be placed.

  5. In the wrf_hydro_forcing.parm file, indicate things such as: a)the directory where your input data is located, b) where you wish the output data to reside, and c) the location of the regridding and downscaling scripts, and d) the location of all the shared objects (NCL_DEF_LIB_DIR)

  6. In the main section of the .py, indicate information such as your logging level, the name of your logging file, the product to process, the location of the weighting files, and indicate which action you wish to perform (ie regridding, downscaling). To run, do the following at the command line:

    python .py

    where the forcing config name = Analysis_Assimilation_Forcing, Short_Range_Forcing, Long_Range_Forcing, etc. Make sure you have the config/parm file, the forcing config file and the WRF_Hydro_forcing.py file in the same directory from which you are invoking.

**Note: The weightings files should be available for every model type. These will usually reside on the test host. Currently, they are found in hydro-c1:/d4/hydro-dm/IOC/weightings. The weightings files are too large to check into GitHub, so please remember to include these when you are deploying to another environment. In addition, there is a lapse rate file (another .nc) which is also too large to check into GitHub. Please make sure you have the "correct" version when deploying to another environment.