The Aqua Security Operator runs within an OpenShift cluster and is responsible for deploying and managing the Aqua Security platform and components:

  • Server (aka “console”)
  • Database (for production environments we recommend to use an external database and not the Aqua default database)
  • Gateway
  • Enforcer (aka “agent”)
  • Scanner
  • CSP (a simple package that contains the Server, Database, and Gateway)

Use the Aqua-Operator to:

  • Deploy Aqua Security components on OpenShift
  • Scale up Aqua Security components with extra replicas
  • Assign metadata tags to Aqua Security components
  • Automatically scale the number of Aqua scanners based on the number of images in the scan queue

The Aqua Operator provides a few custom resources that enable the flexibility to insatll Aqua in different configurations. Please make sure to read the Aqua installation manual ( before using the Operator. For advance configurations please consult with Aqua's support team.

For a simple Aqua configuration please read the following guidelines -

  1. Install the Aqua Opertor
  2. Manage all the pre-requisites as covered in the instructions below (see "Before You Begin Using the Operator CRDs")
  3. Use the Aqua CSP Custom Resource to install Aqua in your Cluster. Aqua CSP will automatically deploy the Console, Database, Scanner, and Gateway Custom Resource
  4. To install the Enforcer Custom Resource, you will need to access Aqua and create a new Enforcer Group. Copy the group's 'token' as you will need it later for the Enfrocer Custom Resource
  5. Use the AquaEnforcer Custom Resource to install the Aqua Enforcer. Replace the value of the 'token' property with the token you kept from step 3

Before You Begin Using the Operator CRDs

Install the Aqua Operator and obtain access to the Aqua registry - You will need to supply two secrets during the installation -

  • A secret for the Docker registry
  • A secret for the database

You can list the secrets in the YAML files or you can define secrets in the OpenShift project (see example below) -

oc create secret docker-registry aqua-registry --docker-username=<AQUA_USERNAME> --docker-password=<AQUA_PASSWORD> --docker-email=<user email> -n aqua
oc create secret generic aqua-database-password --from-literal=db-password=<password> -n aqua
oc secrets add aqua-sa aqua-registry --for=pull -n aqua

Installing Aqua CSP

There are multiple options to deploy the Aqua CSP. You can review the different options in the following file. Note that for production environments we recommend connecting Aqua to an external production-grade database. For lab implementations, you can use the default database in the installation scripts.

Here is an example of a simple deployment -

kind: AquaCsp
  name: aqua
  namespace: aqua
    serviceAccount: "aqua-sa"               
    namespace: "aqua"                       
    version: "4.6"                          
    requirements: true                      
    imagePullSecret: "aqua-registry"        # Optional: if already created image pull secret then mention in here
    dbDiskSize: 10       
    serverDiskSize: 4   
    replicas: 1                            
    service: "ClusterIP"                    
    replicas: 1                             
    service: "ClusterIP"                    
    replicas: 1                             
    service: "NodePort" 

You can define a Route to enable external access to Aqua's console.

Installing Aqua Enforcer

You can review the different options to implement AquaEnforcer in the following file.

Here is an example of a simple deployment -

kind: AquaEnforcer
  name: aqua
    serviceAccount: "aqua-sa"                
    version: "4.6"                          # Optional: auto generate to latest version
    imagePullSecret: "aqua-registry"            # Optional: if already created image pull secret then mention in here
  deploy:                                   # Optional: information about aqua enforcer deployment
    image:                                  # Optional: if not given take the default value and version from infra.version
      repository: "enforcer"                # Optional: if not given take the default value - enforcer
      registry: ""      # Optional: if not given take the default value -
      tag: "4.6"                            # Optional: if not given take the default value - 4.5 (latest tested version for this operator version)
      pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"            # Optional: if not given take the default value - IfNotPresent
  gateway:                                  # Required: data about the gateway address
    host: aqua-gateway
    port: 8443
  token: "<<your-token>>"                            # Required: enforcer group token also can use an existing secret instead