
Small python scripts that talk with the iTerm2 API to change the background image

Primary LanguagePython

iTerm2 Background Changer

This program uses iTerm2 Python API to (randomly) change the image background of your terminal with a simple command.

    python change_background.py
    python remove_background.py

Or if you want to run as executable

    # Make the file executable with
    chmod +x change_background.py
    chmod +x remove_background.py
    # Execute with


    python change_background.py path_to_dir
    python change_background.py path_to_file

Currently the program only reads the first argument it's given.
It can be a specific file or folder.

In case it's a folder, the program will choose a random image! That's the fun part 😉

The default value for the directory is imgs/
(includes some chill lofi anime wallpapers too)

TODOS / Limitations

  • Only pick image files. Currently the program will read and pick a random file from the passed directory.