
Discord Bot - Simple Random Teams

Primary LanguageC#

Simple Random Teams Discord Bot


Simple Random Teams is a Discord bot very useful for communities that do random csgo scrims every day.

Running it

With Docker (recommended)

make docker
make docker-arm # for arm devices
# or
docker build -t srt-discord-bot .
docker build -t srt-discord-bot -f Dockerfile.arm32v7 . # for arm devices
docker run -d --name srt-discord srt-discord-bot

Without Docker

make run
# or
dotnet run

Available Commands

  • help Get a help description and commands available.
  • commands List available commands.
  • map Generate a random map to play from the csgo scrim map pool.
  • teams Generate random teams with members in the current voice channel.
  • veto Picks one random member from each team to start a veto process.
  • ban Bans a map from the veto available maps.
  • split Split the generated teams to their individual team voice channels.
  • end Move team members to the original voice channel.
  • reset Reset in memory database.
  • yo Test if the bot is running.