
(very) simple Clojure text processing built on top of clojure-opennlp

Primary LanguageClojure

# token

Really (really) basic text processing: 
 OpenNLP tokenization -> downcase -> de-punc -> stoplist

This code uses OpenNLP tokenization provided by clojure-opennlp.  The
default stoplist is a reasonable English stoplist from a publication
that appeared in the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR):

David D. Lewis, Yiming Yang, Tony G. Rose, and Fan Li. 2004. RCV1: A
New Benchmark Collection for Text Categorization
Research. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 5 (December 2004), 361-397.

## Usage

After fetching the tokenization model and stoplist with
resources/getmodels.sh, processing text should be pretty easy

(with-token ;; This macro handles stoplist and Tokenizer bindings
 (doseq [tok (process-text "Boo far Baz said the the (catdog)")]
   (println tok)))

The process-text function can also hanlde arbitrarily nested
collections of strings:

(process-text [["why-are" [["these"]] "STRINGS!?"] "Nested,so oddly?"])

## License

Copyright (C) 2011 David Andrzejewski

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.