3D Scene Overview

This is a modification of the Overview Map sample on ArcGIS Developers: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Sample Code | Overview Map

Configure URL parameters

The default app uses a webmap with the Equal Earth projection in the main view and uses the Light Gray Basemap for the overview globe. Example

To change the main map use this convention:

<base URL>?webmap=<webmap ID>

where <webmap ID> is any ArcGIS Online webmap item.

Example: https://davidasbury.github.io/scene-overview-map/?webmap=22d1524dde5f4e5b9670545f5b853517

The main map can use any projection.

To change the overview map:

<base URL>?webmap=<webmap ID>&overview=<webmap ID2>

where <webmap ID2> is any ArcGIS Online webmap in WGS84 or Web Mercator projection. This is a requirement of the 3D SceneViewer.

Example: https://davidasbury.github.io/scene-overview-map/?webmap=8dda0e7b5e2d4fafa80132d59122268c&overview=67ab7f7c535c4687b6518e6d2343e8a2