
Chrome extensions expanding DevTools by adding SocketIO Inspector tab

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

SocketIO Inspector

Chrome extensions expanding DevTools by adding SocketIO Inspector tab. You can observe your socket communication in pretty format.

How to run?

For development on your local machine, take the following steps:

  • First you'll need to make sure your system has a c++ compiler. For OSX, XCode will work, for Ubuntu, the build-essential and libssl-dev packages work.
  • install nvm curl https://raw.github.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | sh
  • use nvm to install node and npm nvm install 0.10
  • install CoffeeScript and Gulp globally npm install -g coffee-script-redux gulp
  • install node modules npm install
  • in shell, type gulp develop it builds your src files into dist dir
  • Open chrome://extensions/
  • Check "Developer mode" at upper top corner
  • Hit "Load unpacked extension..." and pick project folder
  • Open DevTools and Extension Tab


  • [kamil] are websockets working? fix them
  • [david] separete web pages trafic (now I see mixed comunication from all pages in one list at each page)
  • [petr+honza] filter & search - search realtime through keys and filter by event types (e.g. incoming, outgoing, subscribe, keepalive, reconnect, data)
  • [honza] change orange color to some non agressive one
  • [honza+david] improve UX -> limit nesting (too many tables in tables) -> show final data like plan json? -> SHOW DATA FISRT, the first I want to see is main key-value pair (args[0] and args[1]) -> green and blue colors, limit them, maybe on for top levels, not so deep, or maybe make another new tab wit only key-value pair from args
  • put tabs switching to top panel
  • put connection hash next to timestamp (3 lines reduced to 2)
  • package it and publish on chrome market
  • write tests, github static page and publish to github
  • allow turn on/off the inspector (in settings)
  • add support for page whitelist (run only on whitelisted, otherwise stay shuted down)
  • add option for one time run on page