Snowdog Sniper

This project runs a cron job every 5 seconds to check how much liquidity is in the SDOG-MIM LP, and triggers a sell if it passes a given threshold. To set up this project,

  • Deploy the seller contract with the proper configurations (set the "recipient" field in the config.json to be the account which receives the MIM from the trade) and afterwards send all your SDOG to the newly created contract (address will be found in config.json as snowdogSeller after deployment). This can be done by setting the PRIVATE_KEY env var to be the account which will deploy the contract and execute the trade from the cron server
  • Deploy the cron server (via heroku). This can be done (after having heroku installed and being logged in - by running the following commands in the repo
heroku create
heroku config:set GAS_PRICE=350
heroku config:set MIN_SELL_LIQUIDITY=25000000
heroku config:set PRIVATE_KEY=0x123.....
heroku config:set PROVIDER_URL=
heroku config:set SNOWDOG_SELLER=0x123...
heroku config:set RECIPIENT=0x12..receipients_address_here_for_logs...
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1

This will deploy