

Primary LanguageC#

BVCMS Developer Quick Start Guide

Software Install

  1. Download and install Microsoft Web Platform Installer
  2. Select the Products tab
  3. Add the following to be installed:
    • Visual Studio 2012 for Web
    • SQL Server Express 2008 R2 SP2
    • SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio Express SP1
  4. Click Install and let the Web Platform Installer install all the selected packages

GitHub for Windows Install

  1. Download GitHub for Windows
  2. Install GitHub for Windows
  3. Run GitHub for Windows and follow the setup instructions
    • Note: You will need to create an account on GitHub to properly use all of the features

Clone the Repository

  1. Go to the repository in a browser - https://github.com/bvcms/bvcms
  2. Click "Clone in Windows" button in the upper left part of the page
    • It should request that GitHub use the link, allow it to continue
  3. GitHub for Windows should launch and clone the repository to the default location
    • The default location for GitHub for Windows is "My Documents\GitHub"

Database Creation and Population

  1. Open SQL Management Studio
    • Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Management Studio
  2. In Server Name box, put .\SQLEXPRESS and hit Connect
  3. Right-click on Databases and select New Database
  4. Enter CMS_bellevue in the database name and click OK
  5. Select CMS_bellevue in the database list
  6. Open the main database schema file: BuildCmsDb.sql
    • File > Open > File
    • Navigate to the repository directory
    • Open the BuildCmsDb.sql file
      • Note: If your file extensions are hidden, you will not see the ".sql"
  7. Verify that CMS_bellevue is listed next to the Execute button as the active database and then click Execute
    • Note: Computers with 2Gb of memory or less may have trouble creating the database because of not enough memory
  8. Right-click on Databases and select New Database
  9. Enter CMS_bellevue_img in the database name and click OK
  10. Select CMS_bellevue_img in the database list
  11. Open the image database schema file: BuildCmsImageDb_SQLSchema.sql
    • File > Open > File
    • Navigate to the repository directory
    • Open the BuildCmsImageDb_SQLSchema.sql file
      • Note: If your file extensions are hidden, you will not see the ".sql"
  12. Verify that CMS_bellevue_img is listed next to the Execute button as the active database and then click Execute

Open the Project

  1. Start VisualStudio 2012 for Web
  2. Open CmsWeb.sln solution in the root of the repository
    • Note: If your file extensions are hidden, you will not see the ".sln"
    • Note: CmsDataSqlClr won't open properly in the Express edition of Visual Studio. It is safe to remove this project from the list
  3. Start the Package Manager Console
    • Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console
  4. At the top of the Package Manager Console you will see a notification telling you that some packages are missing, click Restore to begin downloading them
  5. It should show a progress bar and then disappear when done
  6. Edit Web.config under CmsWeb root directory
    • Change the word "Windows" to "Forms" on line 33
  7. Right-click on CMSWeb and select Set as StartUp Project
  8. Right-click on CMSWeb and select Rebuild. The project should compile successfully
    • There will be some warnings, you can ignore them
  9. Click the Play button in the main toolbar to launch BVCMS
  10. Once at the login screen, enter the default username and password and click Log On
    • Default Username: admin
    • Default Password: bvcms


For addition information on how to use BVCMS, please see the BVCMS Documentation.