
Primary LanguageTypeScript

A simple face counter system


The system allows a user to log in, upload an image and detect number of faces using Google Vision API.

In order to use Google Vision API USE_GCP environment variable needs to be set (to true) in the projects compose.yml. Alternatively, the project will run in emulation mode. Additionally, a service account JSON key is required. The key needs to be:

  • Generated in GCP
  • Downloaded
  • Renamed to vision.json
  • Pasted into /api/key directory

A good summary of the steps outlined in this Medium post.

The system is built with:

  • Fastify
  • VueJS
  • Server-side events (there are pros and cons to this over WebSockets or Polling but since we only need to receive updates from the server it's sufficient enough)
  • JWT (for authentication)
  • In-memory data store (simple JS native data structure)


The system is split into front-end (/spa) and back-end (/api) components.

I've included a simple bash script that installs node_modules outside of containers and starts Docker Compose (tested on Linux and Mac). To run it, you have to in the root directory of this project and run ./run.sh script.

To bring up the environment:

# detached mode - daemon runs in the background
docker compose up --detach

# or to see logs from each component
docker compose up

# or if you need to rebuild (force build) containers because of errors
docker compose up --build

To bring the environment down:

docker compose down

If this does not work (and you are getting errors that contain "module cannot be found" text) please cd into /spa and /api and install all package.json dependencies by running npm i command. This should resolve all dependencies that are required to run the whole stack.

You can then use links below to access both the SPA and API.

Future features / improvements

This list is frequently being updated

  • TESTS!
  • Add a JWT refresh token functionality to avoid logging users out
    • The plan is to store it in the cookie since it's a more long lived value (as opposed to the access token itself)
  • Extract URLs into an environment dependent config
  • Store any secrets in an .env file
  • Error message when duplicate email
  • Handle duplicate images
  • Handle server sent events errors
  • UI improvements
  • Validate email address
  • Validate only image file types
  • Handle duplicate file names
  • API and SPA logging
  • Namespace downloads locally
  • Clear session storage on server restart
  • Clear JWT token when api/server restarts as no data is stored in memory anymore