Only getting a blank screen after implementing code from ep2
greeneg opened this issue · 1 comments
greeneg commented
My code is here:
I've defined the Welcome string as "Welcome to xOS 64-bit operating system", however, when I boot in qemu-system-x86_64, I don't see the string on screen.
commands run:
make build-amd
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom dist/amd64/kernel.iso
Any ideas as to why I'm not getting output?
Host OS: openSUSE 15.3
QEMU: 6.2.0
C compiler: gcc 10.3.0
asm compiler: nasm 2.14.02
greeneg commented
I figured the issue out after re-reading my code.
On line 54 in print.c, in the print_char function, I only had a single '=' character assigning '\n' to character instead of '==' the equality operator.
Closing issue.