- 4
- 3
Make not working.
#71 opened by Steven2k6 - 2
- 0
#93 opened by Panprogramista123 - 0
The qemu-system-x86_64 command not found error
#92 opened by lalithcs - 1
i keep getting make file error
#85 opened by Naefadwan - 3
- 0
- 5
Help with qemu!
#43 opened by FlyAvalan - 1
- 1
Error 127 MakeFile
#83 opened by Le-noirrateur - 3
Error when installing packages
#80 opened by g10v4nn1-v - 4
how do i read key presses from the c kernel?
#77 opened by Natejoestev - 1
Make build error
#74 opened by rexgamer338571 - 1
make: *** [build/x86_64/boot/main.o] Error 1
#76 opened by hgames123 - 1
Makefile "No rule to make build-x86_64"
#78 opened by wrgeekhead - 0
- 6
Makefile wont run
#53 opened by Grimgrams - 2
Problem with boot loader
#72 opened by HesamGit - 0
- 0
Makefile cant find c and asm-Files.
#70 opened by NilsBoehm - 8
- 0
Data Storage
#68 opened by ethan-davies - 1
- 0
How to delete a charater
#66 opened by LarsThePenguin - 0
- 4
#61 opened by Andrej123456789 - 3
Docker destroy my OS
#56 opened by Andrej123456789 - 1
Bug in print.c?
#64 opened by mharleyaz - 8
- 1
make: *** No rule to make target 'build/x86_64/boot/main.o', needed by 'build-x86_64'. Stop.
#63 opened by poggingfish - 4
How Do I install QEMU and Docker?
#45 opened by imlens - 2
When I put in 'make build-x86_64' it always says 'makefile:5:*** missing separator. Stop.'
#46 opened by bonelesschickenbone - 0
How to boot on real hardware (Windows 10 example)
#48 opened by rualark - 2
- 2
Makefile not working (episode 1)
#60 opened by Axalz - 1
- 1
Unable to compile into iso
#57 opened by NicoGaming77 - 1
Issue with booting on real hardware
#36 opened by CrkedSmile - 2
#55 opened by fgsoftware1 - 1
sleep/delay/wait function?
#47 opened by MoistCoder - 1
Simplify makefile
#49 opened by davidcallanan - 1
could not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin'
#40 opened by davidcallanan - 1
Update docker base image to correct version
#39 opened by davidcallanan - 1
Flashing on Raspberry PI?
#44 opened by MoistCoder - 17
- 0
Fix print char function NUM_COLS
#41 opened by davidcallanan - 0
Where did he go
#37 opened by OMGerCoder - 7
UTF-8 Characters
#34 opened by Zduniusz - 4
No changes being updated
#31 opened by Roseinabox28