Interpreter for a BASIC-inspired language written in Python for my tutorial series on YouTube
- 2
#48 opened by GDPLA - 2
Getting InvalidSyntaxError
#44 opened by Sebwazhere - 2
RTError is not defined
#21 opened - 1
Parser not working
#20 opened by astrogames06 - 2
#29 opened by shayan-azizi - 1
support multiplication with parentheses
#33 opened by kajvans - 2
No support for list indexes
#37 opened by DracoKinerek - 2
How do i download module basic?
#38 opened by pezur091 - 2
how to add classes in it?
#39 opened by imnotprofessionalprogrammer - 2
in episode 5 'AND' keyword to be '&&'.
#41 opened - 1
Visit_UnaryOpNode function never called.
#46 opened by vivekkdagar - 1
After creating a variable or putting in any character besides a number in the shell it stops the while true loop and doesn't display the next command prompt
#50 opened by Bargah692 - 1
Not good code
#49 opened by cyph3rcancode - 0
built in functions not working
#43 opened by Sebwazhere - 1
- 1
How i can run it?
#34 opened - 2
Help with print
#40 opened by jet2tlf - 1
No network request in :)
#35 opened by mhdeiiking - 0
#31 opened by TheNPCFISH - 4
- 2
Question: How would I make import statements?
#25 opened by SpyGuy0215 - 3
Data Conversion...
#28 opened by nothingButSyntaxError - 1
- 1
- 1
Comparision Operators not working.
#23 opened by GitPullrequest - 1
Cannot run example.mbal
#22 opened by Andrej123456789 - 4
Parser returning None
#11 opened by Infiniti20 - 2
- 0
- 3
TypeError occurring
#14 opened by subtra3t - 1
- 2
Parser getting last token only?
#10 opened by Infiniti20 - 2
Is it safe to convert it to .exe file?
#5 opened by SenadBajramovi - 2
Issue With Interpreter
#4 opened by henryboisdequin - 1
How can you use the language?
#2 opened by ddinan