
Terraform module to deploy EKS kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageHCLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Kubernetes Cluster


  • The cluster is capable of horizontally autoscale as demand increases.
  • Use EFS storage so state are persisted across nodes.
  • Use EFS CSI Driver (but currently using statically provisioned EFS volumes)
  • Currently using Fargate for the k8s nodes - will add EC2 support soon.

Workstation Setup

  • You'll need tools :
    • kubectl
    • eksctl
    • helm
    • docker These should be installed via prpl/deploy/aws/scripts/cloud-dev-install.sh

Deploying the Cluster for 1st time

  • The cluster is deployed via terraform.
  • It does not use helm or kubernetes provider - since this would be a circular dependancy.
  • The other k8s modules used for deploying things into this EKS e.g. EFS CSI Driver from Amazon.
  • Run the terraform.

Configure kubectl for the new Cluster

Note: replace instances (below) of :

  • with applicable aws account e.g. backbone, core, prod, etc...
  • with your cluster name e.g. prpl-backbone-k8s

Configure kubectl to connect to the EKS Cluster :

aws-vault exec prpl-$(basename $(realpath .)) -- aws eks update-kubeconfig --region eu-west-1 --name <CLUSTER-NAME>
# To see what clusters have configured :
kubectl config get-contexts 
# and set the current context to our cluster : 
kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:462010250684:cluster/<CLUSTER-NAME>
# and then test with :
aws-vault exec prpl-$(basename $(realpath .)) -- kubectl get svc

Initialise Cluster with Metrics, Dashboard

Deploy the module terraform-module-k8s-dashboard

Initialise Cluster with EFS CSI Driver

Deploy the module terraform-module-aws-k8s-efs-csi

Using K8s Dashboard

The full-featured Dashboard should already be installed in the cluster (from prior section). To use it do :

# Get our login token
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep dashboard-admin | awk '{print $1}')
# Invoke the Proxy to give access to the Dashboard
kubectl proxy

then open in browser

and use the Token as displayed in your terminal for login.

Note: The token is short-lived and may expire. You will then need to repeat ALL of the above steps, to get login again.

NOTE : In the Dashboard you need to switch namespace to prpl to see Jenkins pods, PV's etc...

Build Docker images

cd prpl/deploy/docker/image/prpl-builder
source ../docker-config.sh

These will build locally and can then be tagged and pushed to the ECR registry in Core as below :

Configure Helm for use with this Cluster

  • Helm would be installed by prpl/deploy/aws/scripts/cloud-dev-install.sh
  • Configure it for AWS EKS as here :