Statistician @ French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)
@inraeBordeaux, France
davidcarayon's Followers
- ABOUFIRASSEUniversity of Bordeaux - Openclassromms
- andrewallenbruceGeorgia
- chachaprodz
- d3scmps
- duojianghujiINRAE
- fguilhaumonIRD (http://en.ird.fr)
- frederic-santosCNRS – University of Bordeaux
- GABurnsExploristics
- george0stEurope, Czech Republic, Prague
- gowachinINRAE, LESSEM Unit
- juliansiebertdata
- JulieGueguen
- kol-c
- lguillierANSES
- MaryleneHBordeaux and Paris, France
- ndmluongANSES
- Nouke
- paolocrosettoINRA
- pgpmartin@inrae, Indiana University
- picasa@INRAE
- RLesur@InseeFr
- SebastienBoutryINRAE
- taghbio
- tleboucherINRAE
- vicouleclou
- Zakverusrodwww.beyrakaz.com