- 1
colortbl: dependency issue with xltabular
#56 opened by ludoguard - 6
longtable, xltabular and enumerate
#57 opened by hvoss49 - 0
Allow an empty color parameter in \columncolor
#58 opened by tro100 - 12
- 1
Wrong line width in long table
#53 opened by hvoss49 - 5
`colortbl`: In empty cells with `p{…}` column spec, `\cellcolor` doesn't color the whole cell
#51 opened by mxmerz - 13
- 4
- 0
- 4
Justifying Option
#49 opened by rafa-cc - 3
adding rownum to colortbl
#34 opened by davidcarlisle - 0
support for tagging in colortbl
#47 opened by u-fischer - 14
Importing colortbl changes horizontal spacing
#48 opened by jovyntls - 1
- 2
apparent typo in bm doc
#45 opened by jfbu - 1
- 0
- 4
- 1
Special chars with punctuations
#41 opened by chris-vieira - 4
color problem with typewriter package
#40 opened by zetyty - 1
typewriter package "locally"
#39 opened by zetyty - 2
numdef: use a numdef-ed command inside FPeval
#37 opened by vinraspa - 0
- 4
[textcase] When \NoCaseChange{} is used in \MakeUppercase{}, \o is left capitalized
#35 opened by GAndreikenas - 3
- 20
Not possible to use mylatex.ltx with xelatex
#15 opened by jfbu - 2
[textcase] Accents in (e.g.) `\MakeTextLowercase` used to work but don't work anymore
#31 opened by dbitouze - 3
[mylatex] Undefined control sequence
#30 opened by Darylgolden - 0
double head on one page
#8 opened by u-fischer - 0
dvipaste - creating dvipaste-binary for debian buster / grfpaste - problems with new dvips.def and l3backend-dvips.def
#29 opened by Ulrich-Diez - 3
hook for font setup in bm.sty
#24 opened by u-fischer - 2
remreset warning about its obsolescence has typos
#18 opened by jfbu - 2
- 0
#27 opened by matteocoder - 2
- 2
- 1
\frenchspacing for variable monotype font
#10 opened by uliska - 3
- 1
colortbl and amsmath conflict
#21 opened by FloMiLe - 1
Example bmu2.tex not working with bmx
#20 opened by callegar - 2
In math-environment with typewriter.sty, some symbols like \forall, \in, \sum,\prod do not appear.
#19 opened by raydsameshima - 0
\endfirstfoot for longtable
#17 opened by Skillmon - 7
Issues with mylatex.ltx and non-ascii characters (since automatic "inputenc+utf8")
#16 opened by jfbu - 1
Get two longtables with the same width
#14 opened by maieul - 2
Define font from document
#11 opened by Shane-Brandes - 2
"Randomly variable monospace font"
#9 opened by schneeschmelze - 0
- 5
Mathml xmt file
#5 opened by balakrishnan1978 - 1
Incomplete longtable patch
#4 opened by aoles - 0