Parallel Chudnovsky PI programs for Raspberry PI 2/3/4

Parallel Chudnovsky PI programs updated from orginal post at for Raspberry PI 2's arm7vl quad core processor.

Warning: the number of digits computed is limited by the amount of memory.


  • raspberry-pi2-openmp.c
  • raspberry-pi2-openmp-task.c (modified to use OpenMP 3.0's task pragma)
  • raspberry-pi2-openmp-forloop.c (modified to use OpenMP for loop pragma)
  • raspberry-pi2-cilk.c
  • raspberry-pi2-cilk-task.c (modified to use Cilkplus cilk_spawn pragma)

Build (gcc 4.3 or later)

  • To compile using gcc with OpenMP gcc -fopenmp -o raspberry-pi2-openmp raspberry-pi2-openmp.c -lgmp -lm

  • To compile using gcc with Cilkplus gcc -fcilkplus -Wall -O2 -o raspberry-pi2-cilk raspberry-pi2-cilk.c -lgmp -lm