
Convert Jupyter notebooks into tested interactive documentation

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT


Convert Jupyter notebooks into tested interactive documentation.

This project uses Elm, which is a functional language that guarantees no runtime exceptions. If it compiles, it's correct and it will never crash.

ℹ️ Make sure you have Elm installed.

Installing as an Elm library

To import this from an Elm application or library.

elm install davidcavazos/nbgen

Then, you can import it and use it in your Elm application or library.

import NbGen exposing (Cell(..), Notebook, fromString, toString)
import Json.Decode as D

notebook : Result D.Error Notebook
notebook =
        { "cells":
          [ { "cell_id": "markdown-cell-id"
            , "cell":
              { "cell_type": "markdown"
              , "source":
                [ "This is a Markdown cell!\\n"
                , "With multiple lines.\\n"
          , { "cell":
              { "cell_type": "code"
              , "metadata": { "tags": ["testing"] }
              , "source":
                [ "# This is a code cell!\\n"
                , "print('The default kernel is python3')\\n"
              , "outputs":
                [ { "output_type": "stream"
                  , "name": "stdout"
                  , "text": "The default kernel is python3"

--> Ok { title = "This is a Markdown cell!"
--> , kernel = "python3"
--> , authors = []
--> , cells =
-->     [ { id = "markdown-cell-id"
-->       , cell =
-->         MarkdownCell
-->           { tags = []
-->           , source =
-->             [ "This is a Markdown cell!\n"
-->             , "With multiple lines.\n"
-->             ]
-->           }
-->       }
-->     , { id = "this-is-a-code-cell"
-->       , cell =
-->         CodeCell
-->           { tags = [ "testing" ]
-->           , source =
-->             [ "# This is a code cell!\n"
-->             , "print('The default kernel is python3')\n"
-->             ]
-->           , outputs = [ "The default kernel is python3" ]
-->           }
-->       }
-->     ]
--> }

Result.map toString notebook
--> Ok
-->   (String.join "\n"
-->     [ "{"
-->     , "  \"metadata\": {"
-->     , "    \"kernel_info\": {"
-->     , "      \"name\": \"python3\""
-->     , "    }"
-->     , "  },"
-->     , "  \"nbformat\": 4,"
-->     , "  \"nbformat_minor\": 5,"
-->     , "  \"cells\": ["
-->     , "    {"
-->     , "      \"cell_id\": \"markdown-cell-id\","
-->     , "      \"cell\": {"
-->     , "        \"metadata\": {},"
-->     , "        \"source\": ["
-->     , "          \"This is a Markdown cell!\\n\","
-->     , "          \"With multiple lines.\\n\""
-->     , "        ]"
-->     , "      }"
-->     , "    },"
-->     , "    {"
-->     , "      \"cell_id\": \"this-is-a-code-cell\","
-->     , "      \"cell\": {"
-->     , "        \"metadata\": {"
-->     , "          \"tags\": ["
-->     , "            \"testing\""
-->     , "          ]"
-->     , "        },"
-->     , "        \"source\": ["
-->     , "          \"# This is a code cell!\\n\","
-->     , "          \"print('The default kernel is python3')\\n\""
-->     , "        ],"
-->     , "        \"outputs\": ["
-->     , "          {"
-->     , "            \"output_type\": \"stream\","
-->     , "            \"name\": \"stdout\","
-->     , "            \"text\": \"The default kernel is python3\""
-->     , "          }"
-->     , "        ]"
-->     , "      }"
-->     , "    }"
-->     , "  ]"
-->     , "}"
-->     ]
-->   )

Running as a command line tool

Since Elm compiles to Javascript, we can run it with Node.js.

ℹ️ Make sure you have Node.js installed.