
A chip8 emulator made with c++

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Chip 8 emulator made with modern C++

This is my first emulation project, it works correctly but it's got some performance issues.


  • Install libsfml* from your linux distro's package repository.
  • Install make and a c++11 compiler, clang or g++ will do.
  • Clone this repository.
  • Edit the makefile to match your compiler, it uses clang by default.
  • Run make to compile the emulator.
  • Run ./app roms/INVADERS.
  • Play with the keys 1 2 3 4 Q W E R A S D F Z X C V



My first attemp was to make it with python, I struggled to get it right, and when it was finally done I realized it was really slow, I blamed python for being an interpreted language and moved to V2.

  • time invested: a lot.
  • pros: I learned about bitwise operations and hexadecimal representation.
  • crazy bug: damn you 00EE I wasn't moving to the next instruction when returning from a subroutine, calling it again and again and again.


I'm more confident with c++ than python, so I migrated my work. guess what? It's still slow.

  • time invested: one day.


Working on it.