
WaveCraft is an Arduino library to make generating sine waves easier. It has a constructor that takes in initial values for frequency, amplitude, and phase, and provides methods for setting and getting these values.

Primary LanguageC++


A simple sine wave generator library for Arduino.


  • Generates sine wave values based on frequency, amplitude, and phase
  • Provides methods for setting and getting frequency, amplitude, and phase values
  • Provides a getValue() method that returns the current sine wave value based on the current time
  • Provides a mapFloat method that maps a value from one range to another.


  • WaveCraft(float frequency, float amplitude, float phase = 0) : constructor that sets the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the wave.
  • void setAmplitude(float amplitude) : sets the amplitude of the wave
  • void setFrequency(float frequency) : sets the frequency of the wave
  • void setPhase(float phase) : sets the phase of the wave
  • void setLow(float low) : sets the minimum output value
  • void setHigh(float high) : sets the maximum output value
  • float getLow() : returns the minimum output value
  • float getHigh() : returns the maximum output value
  • float mapFloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) : maps a value from one range to another
  • float getValue() : returns the current value of the sine wave
  • float getIntValue() : returns the current value of the sine wave as an int


  1. Download the WaveCraft library and add it to your Arduino libraries directory
  2. Include the WaveCraft.h header in your sketch
  3. Create a WaveCraft object and set the desired frequency, amplitude, and phase values
  4. Use the getValue() method to get the current sine wave value