
Your guide to being the best MnD Director that HackRU has to offer.

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HackRU Marketing and Design Directors' Guide

Hello! 👋

Firstly, congratulations on becoming MnD director! Being a director here at HackRU involves a lot of responsibilities, but I can assure you that it'll all pay off in the end. There is no better feeling, especially on this team, to see the fruits of your labor come to life during the hackathon. Whether you're doing this to see the smiles on hackers' faces while they code up the next Google, or to learn about how such a big student-run event is run, or to extend your leadership and communication skills within your arsenal, being a director has its perks. Let's get started!

About this guide 📔

I've written this guide so that you, as a new director, will not get overwhelmed about the tasks and duties that are expected of you throughout the semester. This guide is sectioned chronologically in respect to the begin date of the next HackRU, with miscellaneous tips and tricks scattered throughout. Think of it as a schedule you should aim to follow so that everything gets done in a timely manner. Of course, no guide is perfect, and this one isn't an exception. Some things and responsibilities will be missing from this guide (as the semester progresses, new ideas and thoughts for MnD will arise that will incur extra duties) so it's good to give yourself some leeway. Furthermore, this guide is ever-changing, as we learn more every semester and improve upon past mistakes. Feel free to note down anything you'd like to add to this guide and submit a pull request, or simply make a copy of this repo, add your suggestions, and pass it down to the next generation of MnD directors!

Overview 🔮

Here's a general overview of what should be done as HackRU draws closer. Each of the suggested deadlines are respective to the beginning date of your current semester. For example, if you're currently planning for a Fall-semester HackRU (which traditionally begins mid-October), then 2 weeks before launch places the task due at the beginning of October. Use these deadlines to plan your own specific due dates for your team and organizers.

Time Before Launch Things to Do/Have Done
3 months
  • Select a theme for this semester
  • Decide on the color scheme
  • Launch splash page with RnD
  • Create a sponsorship document with Finance team
  • Reach out to interested MnD applicants to be a part of the team
  • Create square icon using HackRU logo with color scheme
  • Create social media cover pictures with color scheme (and theme)
  • 2.5 months
  • Finalize registration website with RnD; replace splash page with registration
  • Send out emails to subscribers about registration open
  • Advertise on all social media about registration open
  • Collect any marketing or design needs from other teams
  • Begin having MnD team meetings
  • Brainstorm the first marketing campaign(s)
  • Change social media logos and covers with updated designs
  • 2 months
  • Begin brainstorming and delegating design tasks
  • Execute first marketing campaign(s)
  • Have further MnD meetings and brainstorm rest of marketing campaigns
  • Make a budget with Finance
  • Decide on quantity of swag to buy
  • Begin reaching out to (approved) apparel vendors for quotes
  • 1.5 months
  • Revise and finalize sticker designs, Snapchat filter design, banner design, t-shirt design
  • Revise and finalize all other designs
  • Create Facebook event for HackRU
  • Should be executing weekly marketing campaigns now
  • 1 month 🔥
  • Consistently market on social media/IRL
  • Have MnD meetings as needed to get updates/keep updated
  • Get team to change their personal profile pics and covers to advertise for HackRU
  • 3 weeks
  • Order all swag and stay updated with your vendors
  • Ask other teams during meetings if they need any last minute tasks for MnD
  • Marketing campaigns should be well under way
  • 2 weeks
  • All swag/apparel orders should have shipped, if not already arrived
  • Discuss and delegate tasks for weekend of HackRU with MnD team (photos, videos, announcements, social media, etc.)
  • 1 week
  • All swag/apparel should have arrived or are ready to be picked up
  • Ask vendors for invoices and send those to Finance, along with personal expenses incurred from buying MnD stuff
  • 1 day
  • Pick up all swag
  • Help teams with setting up in the venue
  • Breathe, relax, and take some time to congratulate yourself and the team for making it this far
  • 0 days ✨
  • Make sure to have fun this weekend! Remember to take lots of pictures for the memories, and make sure to take pictures of the winners.