
Puppet Module for Serf

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The Serf module installs, configures, and manages a Serf agent.

##Module Description

The Serf module manages the installation and configuration of Serf


include serf


    bind            =>  $::ipaddress_eth1
    event_handler   =>  ['/root/bin/handler.sh']


#####version The version you wish to install

#####bind The address that Serf will bind to for communication with other Serf nodes

Note Changing the bind port also requires you specify the rpc_addr otherwise rpc_addr will remain the default $::ipaddress fact

#####config_dir The directory you wish to store the serf config file in, defaults to: '/etc/serf/'

#####config_file The name of the config file you wish to be generated, stored within config_dir eg:${config_dir}/${config_file}

#####encrypt Secret key to use for encryption of Serf network traffic

#####event_handler Array of event handlers, NOTE: No validation is performed if these files exist.

#####join Array of IP's known to the Serf network already, This was added to allow for hiera data to be passed and allow for a "master" node which is aware of all serf clusters but is in a "monitoring" state.

#####log_level Change logging levels, Added for debugging purposes, defaults to: info #####node Node name, defaults to $fqdn

#####protocol Protocol Version to use- this is for backwards compatability and defaults to 1

#####role Optional Role for specific node

#####rpc_addr The address that Serf will bind to for the agent's internal RPC server, defaults to: "${::ipaddress}:7373"

#####advertise The address that Serf will provide to other nodes to reach it; defaults to ```${::ipaddress}`.


    bind => '10.6.2.xxxx'

rpc_addr would be '10.5.2.xxxx:7373'

#####install_path (Private) Installation path to install serf executable, this should be within your normal users path. defaults to: /usr/local/bin

#####install_url Where to download serf from, this defaults to: https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/serf/${version}_linux_${::architecture}.zip

#####install_method Defaults to url but can be package if you want to install via a system package.

#####package_name Only valid when the install_method == package. Defaults to serf.

#####package_ensure Only valid when the install_method == package. Defaults to present.

#####config_owner and config_group Specify who is to become owner of $config_file


This module has been tested on:

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • CentOS 6.4

Testing on other platforms has been light and cannot be guaranteed.

Vagrant example

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  2. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/danieldreier/serf-demo.git
  3. cd serf-demo then run vagrant up node0 and wait for the first node to start
  4. vagrant ssh -c 'serf monitor' node0 to monitor the communication the first node sees
  5. in another terminal window, run vagrant up and watch members join the cluster
  6. vagrant ssh node1 then run serf event foo bar will trigger an event titled "foo" with a payload "bar"
  7. On node1, run serf members to get a list of serf cluster members
  8. exit out to your regular command line, run vagrant halt node2, then repeat step 7 to see node2's status change to 'failed'.

When you're done, run vagrant halt to shut them down, or vagrant destroy to remove the VMs entirely.

You can modify the number of nodes created by editing INSTANCES=5 in the Vagrantfile to some other value, then running vagrant up again to bring up the new nodes. If you add other services to the nodes, you'll probably need to increase MEMORY=128 to MEMORY=256 or greater.


This module is based on the example provided by Mitchell Hashimoto at https://github.com/hashicorp/serf/