
a JavaScript based prototyping kit for nidirect applications. The aim of the kit is to allow designers, with minimal coding skills, to create interactive prototypes for usability testing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


version 1.4.4

GOV.UK Frontend version 4.3.1

nidirect frontend version 2.0.0

This is a JavaScript based prototyping kit for nidirect applications. The aim of the kit is to allow designers, with minimal coding skills, to create interactive prototypes for usability testing.


Do not use the prototype kit for production. Prototypes made with the kit do not have the same security or accessibility provisions as a real application. You should only use the kit to create prototypes for user research and usability testing.


If you publish your prototypes online, you must protect them with a username and password. This is to stop members of the public finding prototypes and thinking they are real applications. You must protect user privacy at all times, even when using prototypes. Always make sure you are handling user data appropriately.


If you haven't yet, you should first set up Git. Don't forget to set up authentication to GitHub from Git as well.

Step 1: fork the nidirect-prototypeForm repository

  1. On GitHub, navigate to the nidirect-prototypeForm repository

  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.

    click the fork button to create a copy of the nidirect-prototypeForm in your own repository

Step 2: create a clone URL of your fork

  1. In your GitHub account, navigate to your fork of the nidirect-prototypeForm repository.

  2. Under the repository name, click Clone or download.

    click the clone or download button

  3. Using the Clone with HTTPS option, copy the web URL

    click the copy to clipboard button to copy the web URL of your repository

Step 3: download the clone to your computer via command line

  1. Open Terminal (macOS) or Command prompt (Windows)

  2. Type cd followed by the path of the folder, on your computer, you want to clone the repository to.

    For example cd document/repos

  3. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in step 2.

    It will look like this, with your GitHub username instead of YOUR-USERNAME:

    git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/nidirect-prototypeForm.git

  4. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.

Now, you have a copy of the nidirect-prototypeForm repository on your computer.

Using the protoype kit

Use the nidirect-prototypeForm: user guide for instructions on how to build your first prototype.

Issues and suggestions

If you’ve found a bug in the prototype kit or have a suggestion you can: