- au.jkotchoff.scrollableView : View that mimics the iOS implementation of the Ti.UI.ScrollableView.
- com.caffeinalab.titanium.notifications : Alloy Titanium widget to display an in-app notification.
- com.imobicloud.slider : Sliders controls for Titanium.
- com.mattmcfarland.fontawesome : Font-Awesome(v4.3.0) for Titanium Alloy
- com.mcongrove.navigationBar : A custom Navigation Bar for Titanium.
- com.mcvendrell.switch : A styled switch for Android/mobileweb with the holo style.
- com.orthlieb.combobox : A field that allows the user to pick from a list of items in combo style.
- com.parallaxcontainer.blitz : Provide a container view to put a parallax item in.
- com.tourist.components.rating : This widget allows users to rate or purely display the rates only.
- com.veb.tihighcharts : High charts for Titanium.
- de.blitz.infiniteImageScrollableview : Lazy loading infinite scrollable view.
- it.toriphes.timeago : This widget allows you to determine and display the "ago" time.
- me.wslong.tiNavbar : A custom Navigation Bar for Titanium.
- nl.fokkezb.drawer : Wrapper for the NappDrawerr module.
- nl.fokkezb.infiniteScroll : An implementation of the design pattern known as Endless Scroll.
- nl.fokkezb.loading : A simple loading mask.
- nl.fokkezb.pullToRefresh : Emulate a native pull to refresh.
- To.BounceView : A view that bounces on resize.
- ts.chat : A chat widget where the content is separated from the widget.
- ts.prettymenu : Insert fancy menus in an app window.
- ts.messageBuilderFactory : Generate delegates that build message views for ts.chat widget.
- com.bduyng.intropages : Create welcome pages like AirBnB application.
- bencoding.blur : Create a blur view.
- bencoding.securely : Blocks to create secure Titanium apps.
- com.animecyc.animator : An enhanced Animator that mimics Titanium existing one.
- com.geraudbourdin.svgview : Create a view from an svg file.
- dk.napp.drawer : A native drawer for Titanium.
- dk.napp.social : Share content on social networks.
- nl.rebelic.hockeyapp : HockeyApp SDK module for Titanium.
- ti.facebook : Connect your application with facebook
- com.facebook : An enhanced facebook module for IOS.
- com.0x82.webserver : A built-in HTTP webserver inside your application.
- ti.geovisite : iOS 8 Visit functionality in your iOS Titanium app
- ti.wormhole : Titanium event support for the Today Widget and the Apple Watch.
- com.alcoapps.actionbarextras : Script your Android actionbar layout changes
- com.atticoos.tiokhttp : An interchangeable HTTP client that interfaces okhttp.
- com.geraudbourdin.sensor : Titanium sensor module.
- com.rkam.swiperefreshlayout : Pull to Refresh animation for Android
- org.selfkleptomaniac.ti.imageasresized : A small image resize module.
- com.tripvi.drawerlayout : Native drawer layout for Android
- org.iotashan.TiTouchImageView : Native image view that allows pan/pinch/zoom
- appc.arrowdb : ArrowDB connector
- appc.composite : Composite together Arrow models from other connectors in to a single model.
- appc.jwplayer : A JWPlayer connector.
- appc.mongo : MongoDB connector
- appc.mssql : An Arrow connector to Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL).
- appc.mysql : An Arrow connector to MySQL.
- appc.redis : Redis connector for Arrow.
- appc.salesforce : An Arrow connector to Salesforce.
- arrow-orm : Object relational mapping (ORM) framework for Arrow.
- compose.io : The COMPOSE JavaScript library designed to be used with Titanium Appcelerator.
- file_loader : A caching file downloader for Titanium.
- postgres : An Arrow connector to Postgres.
- restapi : RestAPI Sync Adapter for Titanium Alloy Framework.
- RESTe : Make the use of several REST api easier.
- selectInputBox : Simulates the HTML5 select input.
- tiapp.xml : Read and modify entries in the tiapp.xml file programmatically.
- ti-better-option-dialog : The Titanium option dialog but with easier option creation.
- ti-html2label : Convert HTML to Titanium objects.
- ti-proxy : Parse JavaScript to proxy Titanium API calls.
- ti.states : Define states for your user interface components.
- validator : This is a titaniumified version of validator.
- winston : A Node.ACS transport for winston.
- dk.napp.social : Extend the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework with the iOS6 social.framework.
- tiadp : Uses installrapp.com to create and manage Provisioning Profiles.
- grunt : Grunt plugin for the Titanium CLI.
- ti.babel : Use ES6 inside titanium apps.
- tiCalabash : Calabash for Android and IOS with i18n support.
- tich: Switch TiApp.xml configurations via the CLI
- ti-commonjs-wrap-plugin : Allow to use NodeJS style modules in Alloy.
- ti-ignore-plugin : Add .tiignore file support to the Titanium CLI build process.
- Parse Starter Template w/REST Service
- GCM push notifications
- Native Unified (Social) Sharing
- Barebones template for native hierarchical
- Barebones for flat navigation
- Barebones template for tab based action bar style
- Titaniumifier
- Haxe Extern Classes
- Linting and styles checks
- Plugin Boilerplate
- Continuous Integration Boilerplate
- JSCA2js
- D3Example
- Rutile: Factory automation for Mobile Enterprise
- Read Eval Print loop for Titanium
- Ti forward > Discuss
- Ti Mocha
- Ti Shadow
Any deadlink or typo? Feel free to open an issue, or simply fork the repository, fix the error and make a pull request!
It's all the same if you want to add your component or project to the list. Be sure to have a consistent documentation, and press the right button :)