
Wrap implementation of "Float Label Pattern" UX pattern for Titanium.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Float label field Titanium Alloy

This module for Appcelerator Titanium wraps JVFloatLabeledTextField for iOS (TODO: Android).


Credits for the concept to Matt D. Smith (@mds), and his original design:

Matt D. Smith's Design Credits for the iOS implementation to @jverdi.

Quick Start

Get it gitTio

Download this repository or one release and install it:

  • In your application's tiapp.xml file, include the following line in your <modules> tag:
<module platform="ios">ts.floatlabelfield</module>
  • Copy the module zip file into your application root directory.

Use it

  • Require the module in a view:
<!-- TextField -->
<Module module="ts.floatlabelfield" method="createTextFieldView" id="floatField" />
<!-- TextView -->
<Module module="ts.floatlabelfield" method="createTextViewView" id="floatView" />

Which create a reference in your controller, accessible via: $.floadField

  • Or, require it directly in a controller :
var floatlabelfield = require('ts.floatlabelfield').createTextFieldView({ _[PARAMS]_ );
var floatlabelview = require('ts.floatlabelfield').createTextFieldView({ _[PARAMS]_ );


var flf = require('ts.floatlabelfield');

// open a single window
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    layout: 'vertical'

var floatlabelfield = flf.createTextFieldView({
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    top: 150,
    fontSize: '18dp',
    textColor: '#2c3e50',
    placeholderTextColor: '#8d8d8d',
    placeholderText: "short description",
    floatingLabelFontSize: '12dp',
    floatingLabelTextColor: "#2980b9",
    debug: false

var floatlabelview = flf.createTextViewView({
    height: 150,
    width: 150,
    top: 50,
    fontSize: '10dp',
    textColor: '#2c3e50',
    placeholderTextColor: '#bdc3c7',
    placeholderText: "short description",
    floatingLabelFontSize: '7dp',
    floatingLabelTextColor: "#2980b9",
    debug: false



You can pass properties during initialization or later:

Parameter Type Description
fontSize int Size of all texts inside field
textColor String Color of written text inside field
placeholderTextColor String Color of placeholder text inside field
placeholderText String Placeholder text value
floatingLabelFontSize int Size of the floating label above field
floatingLabelTextColor String Color of the floating label above field
value String Value of the field (user input)
debug Bool Switch module logging on with debug: true

Public methods

Here is a list of all accessible methods and the associated expected behaviour:

Method Description
setFontSize Set fontSize property
setTextColor Set textColor property
setPlaceholderTextColor Set placeholderTextColor property
setPlaceholderText Set placeholderText property
setFloatingLabelFontSize Set floatingLabelFontSize property
setFloatingLabelTextColor Set floatingLabelTextColor property
setValue Set field's value
Method Description
getValue Returns field's value


You can listen for events by simply adding an event listener:

  • In an Alloy view:
<Module module="ts.floatlabelfield" method="createTextFieldView" id="floatField" onChange="onFieldChange" />
  • In an Alloy controller:
$.floatField.addEventListener("change", onFieldChange);

You can now bind the change listener in your controller:

function onFieldChange(e) {
    Ti.API.info('Field value changed for ' + e.value);

Supported events

Here is a list of all supported events and the associated expected behaviour:

Event Description
change Triggers when user changes field's value. Contains value.

TODO / Ideas for improvement

Feel free to improve this widget by forking, submitting pull requests or creating issues.
Here are my ideas:

  • Wrap an Android implementation


  • 1.0 First version



JVFloatLabeledTextField is licensed under the MIT license.

Appcelerator, Appcelerator Titanium and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Appcelerator, Inc.
Titanium is Copyright (c) 2008-2015 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2).