
Put HAL9000 into the car!

Primary LanguagePython


A short documentation of dependencies, files and structure of the code for the master thesis "Deep Visual Foresight for Self-driving Cars". Additional documentation can be found in READMEs of subfolders and specific code files.


All code is written in Python 3 (v3.6.5). Python packages used are:

  • tensorflow 1.8.0
  • tensorflow-gpu 1.8.0
  • tqdm 4.23.0
  • tkinter 8.6.7
  • scipy 1.1.0
  • scikit-learn 0.19.1
  • pillow 5.1.0
  • numpy 1.14.5
  • matplotlib 2.2.2
  • cudnn 7.1.4
  • cudatoolkit 9.0
  • ffmpeg 4.0.2


Datasets for the project are:


They can be found at:


Note: use the check_tfrecord jupyter notebook in the dataset directory to understand the data format.

Every TFRecord file has 20 sequences and each sequence contains 20 frames divided into K=9, T=10. Every frame consists of the ground truth grid map, input grid map, road map, transformation matrix, front facing RGB, segmentation and depth image as well as the direction vector.


This dataset contains real-world data from Mercedes-Benz driving through Sunnyvale, California. Contains 1220 TFRecord files.


This dataset contains real-world data from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology vehicle driving through Karlsruhe, Germany. Contains 19 TFRecord files.


This dataset contains virtually generated data from the CARLA autonomous driving simulator. Contains 1995 TFRecord files captured in Town01.


The files are located in various folders. The model and data are stored on the /mnt/ds3lab-scratch/lucala/ drive. The large data format refers to the data that has grid map information and front facing camera images.


  • carla: Contains scripts to gather data while running the CARLA simulator.
  • large data format: Contains training and evaluation code for the large format.
  • KITTI: Contains conversion and helper scripts to convert KITTI data to our TFRecord format.
  • MB data preprocessing: Contains conversion and helper scripts to convert MBRDNA data to our TFRecord format.
  • documents: Contains documents from the original code by Phillip Lippe.
  • storage: Contains a variety of old and modified versions of the original code and our extended version.

Consult READMEs in the subfolders for more details.