This project can be viewed at
This is my portfolio site, written using AngularJS as the JS framework, and Google's Firebase to host my blog posts. The site was completed at the conclusion of the front-end portion of my time at the Nashville Software School (December 2017). It contains traditional portfolio site information, such as:
- A short summary of myself and why I decided to pursue software development.
- A listing of my work and academic experience.
- A few projects that I've completed, with Github links.
- A page with all of my blog posts written during the front-end at NSS.
- And contact information
Older versions of my portfoio site were coded as:
- Static HTML, with minimal CSS for each page.
- Static HTML with JavaScript and jQuery.
- Dynamically generated HTML using Browserify.
- Final version was built with AngularJS.
Currently, as of March 23rd, 2018, I am re-programming my portfolio site using Over the years, I've always seemed to gravitate toward WordPress. Now that I have the like-minded programming skills to work with dynamically displayed code, I decided to try my hand at working with PHP and WordPress. It is my goal to have the new and improved site up and running by the second week in April, 2018.