
This repo shows an overview of commonly used CSS naming methodologies

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CSS Naming Methodologies

This repo gives an overview of multiple CSS naming methodologies and their pros and cons.

BEM (Block Element Modifier)



  • Component based
  • Very flexible, suitable for small and big projects
  • Big community so most problems/questions you will face are already 'solved' by others
  • No more specificity issues
  • Every element has it's own class so you won't have to use descendant selectors anymore. This will improve CSS efficiency
  • Can be easily checked by a linter


  • Syntax doesn’t look very sexy
  • Classnames might get long but this can be solved easily by using the tips out of the following article

OOCSS (Object Oriented CSS)



  • Less repeating styles so smaller file size
  • Can be used really well in combination with SASS
  • CSS styles are modular blocks of code so they can be reused really easy


  • Cluttered HTML markup
  • Not suitable for small projects
  • You probably need to update HTML when updating styles so this makes it really tough to maintain projects.

SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS)



  • When writing new CSS you probably know where to put it
  • Can be used in combination with other methodologies like BEM


  • Not really suitable for smaller projects
  • Theme might not be needed for all projects
  • When using SMACSS without another naming methodology you’re probably still gonna use descendant selectors (which is bad practice and generally should be avoided)

ACSS (Atomic CSS)



  • Change styles without changing CSS
  • Works well with frameworks like React or Angular. Personally I would rather go for something like Styled Components but to each his own
  • Ultra reusable, never have to duplicate a single line of styling again


  • Your HTML elements will have a lot of classes so they will be cluttered
  • You need JavaScript to set ACSS up
  • CSS doesn’t describe context of components

Also interesting to check out

ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS)

CSS namespacing