
A bunch of TCL scripts that keep you away from the Quartus GUI and make file easier :)

Primary LanguageTcl


The script can be run using

  1. Copy the design.sv, fhw.sv, timing.tcl and run_fpga.tcl to a new folder
  2. Now run quartus_sh -t run_fpga.tcl -project (design_name) -board sockit

design_name is the name of the verilog design without the .sv extension For example. Tuples.sv is compiled as

quartus_sh -t run_fpga.tcl -project Tuples -board sockit

The resources used are also displayed To get the detailedresources used, Check output_files/(Design name).fit.summary

  1. To get the fmax values, quartus_sta -t timing.tcl (design_name)

To Recompile with new Verilog Files

  1. Replace the verilog files in the project
  2. quartus_sh -t recompile.tcl (design name)

Note: This script does both and execute the full flow and run timing.tcl ~