This is a command-line tool to keep track of all the issues in a github project (made with in mind)
Get the repo
$ git clone
Link it
cd issue-tracker
npm link
Set it up
$ trckr set repo <username>/<repo> # e.g diasdavid/issue-tracker
$ trckr set secret <useragent> <accesstoken> # e.g diasdavid SASDASDASDSDA.. , chck out to get yours at
You are ready to go :)
trckr fullupdate
trckr new # tell me what issues are 'new'
trckr review # tell me the issues that I don't
trckr pipeline <issueNumber> <state> # alias to pipeline should be pl
trckr pipeline <issueNumber> next # alias to pipeline should be plreview for more than the 'threshold' number of days
trckr set pipeline new,a,b,c,d,e,close
trckt set repo <user>/<reponame>
trckr set secret <useragent> <accesstoken>
This way, you won't mess with your records
export NODE_ENV=dev
{ type: 'Issue',
_saved: true,
isValid: [Function],
save: [Function],
updateProperties: [Function],
updateAttributes: [Function],
toJSON: [Function],
toData: [Function],
toObj: [Function],
toString: [Function],
_getAssociation: [Function],
_createAssociation: [Function],
_removeAssociation: [Function],
_commitAssociationChanges: [Function],
clone: [Function],
_events: {},
createdAt: Sun Jan 19 2014 16:38:33 GMT+0000 (WET),
updatedAt: undefined,
url: '',
htmlUrl: '',
number: 2,
state: 'open',
title: 'switch issue model to camelCase',
body: '`model` enforces camelCase, everything that is not camelCase is not well saved, I have to monkey patch the name of the fields that come down from the fetch issue',
{ login: 'diasdavid',
id: 1211152,
avatar_url: '',
gravatar_id: '0b2bf11db649b4901d41510c3b48ea55',
url: '',
html_url: '',
followers_url: '',
following_url: '{/other_user}',
gists_url: '{/gist_id}',
starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}',
subscriptions_url: '',
organizations_url: '',
repos_url: '',
events_url: '{/privacy}',
received_events_url: '',
type: 'User',
site_admin: false },
[ { url: '',
name: 'bug',
color: 'fc2929' } ],
assignee: null,
milestone: null,
comments: 0,
pullRequest: { html_url: null, diff_url: null, patch_url: null },
closedAt: null,
trckrState: 'new',
trckrLastReview: null,
trckrPingback: null,
id: '466565B5-8D91-4B9E-A2F9-4194F6AC62AF' }