
Website/platform where users write and share news and opinions about different subjects, enabling people to interact with the articles by rating or commenting them;

Primary LanguagePHP

LBAW Class Assignments and Projects

2019/2020 - 3rd Year, 2nd Semester

Course: Laboratório de Bases de Dados e Aplicações Web (LBAW) | Databases and Web Development Lab

Projects developed by: David Silva (daviddias99), Eduardo Ribeiro (EduRibeiro00), Luís Cunha (luispcunha) and Manuel Coutinho (ManelCoutinho)

Project: NewsLab

  • Website/platform where users write and share news and opinions about different subjects, enabling people to interact with the articles by rating or commenting them;
  • Did various tasks regarding website planning and specification, from developing frontend page mockups to creating data models and schemas for the backend database structure;
  • Adopted an Agile methodology to develop this project, working in iterations and selecting user stories to implement for each one;
  • Developed a REST API to allow the frontend to connect with backend services;
  • Languages/technologies used: PHP, Laravel, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Docker.

Grade: 19.4 / 20

Disclaimer - This repository was used for educational purposes and I do not take any responsibility for anything related to its content. You are free to use any code or algorithm you find, but do so at your own risk.

NewsLab (Collaborative News)




Instalation and usage

docker run -d -it -p 8080:80 -v $PWD/:/var/www/html lbaw2022/lbaw2022:latest -e DB_USERNAME="lbaw2022" -e DB_PASSWORD="DP580136" 
docker-compose up
  • User credentials:
Type Username Password
regular user eduvidas@uporto.edu Asdqwe123
banned user mcgun@outlook.com Asdqwe123
administrator metadias@gmail.com Asdqwe123

GROUP2022, 18/02/2020