
Squex board game using PROLOG.

Primary LanguageProlog


2017/2018 - 3rd Year, 1st Semester

Course: Programação em Lógica (PLOG) | Logic Programming

Authors: David Silva (daviddias99), Luís Cunha (luispcunha)

Project 1

Description: This project had us implement the game of Squex using PROLOG. The game was displayed in the console and is fully playable. This includes: listing available plays, checking for game over, executing plays, computer-AI, board evaluation. You can find the specification and final report in project_1_squex/docs.

Technologies: PROLOG, SICStus, Swipl

Skills: Logic programming

Grade: 19.4/20

Project 2

Description: For this project we used constraint programming (in PROLOG) to solve a scheduling problem envolving a construction team. The team had the objective of maximizing the profit given the available material resources, workers with different skills (and salaries), construction projects that required different skills and precedences between those skills. We had then to model the problem using prolog and use the constraint solving library to find admissible (ideally optimal solutions).

Technologies: PROLOG, Constraint Logic Programming (clp) module for SICStus

Skills: Constraint programming, mathematical problem formulation

Grade: 19.7/20