
fetal motion analysis using 3D keypoint data

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


fetal motion analysis using 3D keypoint data


The input data are the 3D coordinates of each keypoint in each frame. The keypoint of a subject should be in a .mat file.

├── subject1.mat
├── subject2.mat
├── ...

Each .mat file has an array joint_coord with shape of (T, 3, K), where T is the number of frames, 3 is the three dimensions (x, y, z), and K is the number of different keypoints, which is 15 in our work.

label keypoints id

% matlab is 1-indexed
 1: ankle (left)
 2: ankle (right)
 3: knee (left)
 4: knee (right)
 5: bladder
 6: elbow (left)
 7: elbow (right)
 8: eye (left)
 9: eye (right)
10: hip (left)
11: hip (right)
12: shoulder (left)
13: shoulder (right)
14: wrist (left)
15: wrist (right)

Information of each subject is stored in data.xlsx, which consists of 4 columns.

name: a unique name of the subject, which should be matched with the file name in ./data
duration: duration of the scan in min


Run example_metric.m for an exmaple. The results will be stored in results.xlsx.


  title={Cross-sectional Observational Study of Typical in-utero Fetal Movements using Machine Learning},
  author={Vasung, Lana and Xu, Junshen and Abaci-Turk, Esra and Zhou, Cindy and Holland, Elizabeth and Barth, William H and Barnewolt, Carol and Connolly, Susan and Estroff, Judy and Golland, Polina and others},
  journal={Developmental Neuroscience},
  publisher={Karger Publishers}

author="Xu, Junshen and Zhang, Molin and Turk, Esra Abaci and Zhang, Larry and Grant, P. Ellen and Ying, Kui and Golland, Polina and Adalsteinsson, Elfar",
title="Fetal Pose Estimation in Volumetric MRI Using a 3D Convolution Neural Network",
booktitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2019",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",

author="Xu, Junshen and Zhang, Molin and Turk, Esra Abaci and Grant, P. Ellen and Golland, Polina and Adalsteinsson, Elfar",
title="3D Fetal Pose Estimation with Adaptive Variance and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network",
booktitle="Medical Ultrasound, and Preterm, Perinatal and Paediatric Image Analysis",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",